Congratulations to Gerda Thomsen and Clara Madsen for receiving travel support from Rigshospitalet's Jubilæumsfond, each DKK 6,600 for their participation at SNMMI 2024, Toronto and NRM 2024, Montreal, respectively.
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Congratulations to Prof. Martin Balslev Jørgensen and Prof. Vibe Frøkjær for each receiving a scholarstipend grant from the Danish Society of Psychiatry/The Lundbeck Foundation.
Martin's scholarstipend is worth 144.000 DKK and is for medical student Kamilla Gulbæk Nielsen to work on the project 'Brain 5-HT4 receptor levels and SSRI-induced Nausea' with Dr. Kristian Reveles Jensen as part of the BrainDrugs-Depression project.
Vibe's scholarstipend is worth 111.000 DKK and is for medical student Helga Appel and her project 'Mapping late pregnancy clinical and psychometric profiles in women at high versus low risk for perinatal depression'.
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We are pleased to inform that Cassis Varlow has been awarded a 3-year Lundbeck Foundation postdoc fellowship for her project "PET Radiotracer Development for the BDNF Signaling Pathway". The grant is worth 2.450.000 DKK and covers Cassis' salary and her project-related running costs. The project period is from April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2027.
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Søren Vinther Larsen has been awarded the Lundbeck Early-Career Clinician Scientist grant for 2024, totaling 2,499,214.00 DKK, for the project titled "Reproductive mental health: Optimizing treatment of depression in women using oral contraceptive".
The grant spans 5 years, with Søren dedicating his full-time on the project during the first year and part-time the subsequent 4 years while doing his clinical specialization.
We look forward to hosting Søren's project.
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Congratulations to Annette Johansen for receiving the 2-year post doc grant from Rigshospitalet's Research Council for her project 'Imaging synaptic plasticity in acute ischemic stroke'. The project is carried out in collaboration with associate professors Thomas C. Truelsen and Helle K. Iversen from the Department of Neurology.
As of May 1st, Annette will start 80% in a clinical position in Dept of Neurology while continuing at NRU in a 20% post doc position.
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Congratulations to Annette Johansen who was awarded the ECNP Excellence Award. Annette's poster and oral presentation of the project "An in vivo high-resolution human brain atlas of synaptic density" was selected as the most excellent work at the ECNP Workshop for Early Career Scientists in Europe which was held in Nice in March 2024. The award consists of an unrestricted EUR 100 prize and travel and accommodation reimbursement of EUR 500 for participation in the 2024 ECNP congress. The congress will take place Sep 21-24 in Milan, Italy.
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Dea S. Stenbæk has through her affiliation as associate professor at Univ. Cph been co-applicant on a research proposal entitled 'PsyPal - Psilocybin Therapy for Psychological Distress in Palliative Care Patients', which has recently been awarded 6.5 million Euro by the European Union's Horizon Europe programme. In the funded project, a consortium of 19 European partners will collaborate to study psilocybin as treatment for psychological distress in people with progressive incurable illnesses requiring palliative care. We congratulate Dea on the fantastic grant!
Read the news from Univ. Cph here: EU vil støtte psykedelisk terapi til patienter med uhelbredelig sygdom.
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Congratulations to Gitte Moos Knudsen for receiving the 2024 Kuhl-Lassen Award.
The Kuhl-Lassen Award is the highest award of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging's (SNMMI) Brain Imaging Council, and it is given annually to recognize a scientist who has made outstanding contributions and whose research in and service to the discipline of functional brain imaging is of the highest caliber.
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The Medical Sciences Part of the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences’ Foundation for Scientifically Employed Candidates and Students at the University of Copenhagen has granted NRU-MR-assistant Astrid Skytte Nordentoft Nielsen 114.800 DKK for her project entitled 'Cortical and cerebrospinal fluid low frequency oscillations in sleep deprived individuals'.
Astrid's project aims to investigate the relationship between low frequency cortical and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) oscillations and how these oscillations change through sleep deprivation. Understanding how sleep deprivation is driving low frequency cortical and CSF oscillations in sleep will allow us to better understand the mechanisms of sleep deterioration and give insight into what may be occurring in sleep disorders.
Congratulations to Astrid. :-)
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- New scholarstipend from Danish Society of Psychiatry for the BrainDrugs-D project
- Vibe G. Frøkjær appointed as clinical professor in neuropsychiatry
- BIDS awarded with the Neuro-Irv and Helga Cooper Foundation Open Science Prize
- NRU Christmas Symposium 2023
- NRU part of new EU infrastructure grant for E-BRAINS 2.0
- Scholarstipend from Danish Society of Psychiatry for the BrainDrugs-D project
- ECNP press release about new NRU paper
- Grant from Svend Andersen Fonden for new HPLC system
- Mikael Palner receives large NNF grant for new preclinical simultaneous PET/MR
- Best oral presentation at Region Hovedstadens Psykiatris Forskningsdag 2023