On Friday, January 20th 2023, at 2 pm, cand.psych. Sophia Armand will defend her PhD thesis entitled Affective cognition and brain serotonin in healthy individuals.
Venue: The Faculty of Social Sciences (CSS), Gammeltoftsgade 15, 1353 Copenhagen, in auditorium 35.01.06.
Zoom link: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/68897325335?pwd=OWNlUEwzNXNkSTQzaFdDT2FOTnFvdz09
Passcode: 542169
After the defence there will be a reception in the foyer by the auditorium.
For details and summary, click here.
See also: https://psychology.ku.dk/events/sophia-armand-defends-her-phd-thesis/
PhD defence by Sophia Armand, cand.psych., January 20th 2023, 2 pm
- Details
- Hits: 5817